I got this from my friend Camille. It's hard to think of only one word answers. Have fun and play along.
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your significant other? somewhere
3. Your hair? growing
4. Your mother? loving
5. Your father? handy
6. Your favorite thing? i-pod
7. Your dream last night? strange
8. Your favorite drink? tea
9. Your goal or dream? travel
10. The room you're in? bedroom
11. Your kids? none
12. Your fear? relapse
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? settled
14. Where were you last night? Walmart
15. What you're not? competitive
16. Muffins? banana nut
17. One of your wish list items? furniture
18. Where you grew up? Benbrook
19. The last thing you did? drink (water)
20. What are you wearing? clothes
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pets? Marley
23. Your computer? HP
24. Your life? blessed
25. Your mood? happy
26. Missing someone? yes
27. Your car? Element
28. Something you're not wearing? shoes
29. Favorite Store? Target
30. Your summer? hot
31. Like someone? yes
32. Your favorite color? pink
33. When is the last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? yesterday
35. The person who sent this to you? Camille
36. Who will/would resend this? unknown
37. A good book? Notebook
38. A good movie? Enchanted
39. A good song? Rockstar
40. One word to share? Love
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I have been really bad about letting everyone know what is going on with me. I don't know how many times I have sat at my computer and stared at the screen not knowing what to write. My head was in such a fog for a while, it was hard to put my thoughts together and then try to make them make sense.
Now I am feeling great. It has been 3 months since my transplant and I never expected that I would be doing as well as I am. After the GVHD rash I have not had any more serious problems. I am now seeing my doctor every other Monday and he has started to take me off some of my immunosuppressents. I am completely off steroids which has made a big difference. So far I have not had any complications from reducing my medications. If everything goes well I should be off them before I go back to school in August.
About school I found out that I still have my job for next year. My district has extended my disability leave until August 18th. That is the day the teachers go back to school. I have to be ready to go back and be released by my doctor by July 18th. I don't think there should be any reason that I can not go back to work. I have been in physical therapy for 2 months and I am feeling like I am getting stronger and able to do more things without getting tired. I know the kids will wear me out, but I am fortunate that I will have an assistant with me and that will be a tremendous help.
Last night in Benbrook was the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. This relay celebrates cancer survivors and their families. I participated last year when I was living in Taylor. It is so nice to see everyone that comes out to support the Cancer Society. I decided to go without my hat since I wasn't worried about people staring at me because they have been thru it. Well I was the only one there that had no hair. I was proud to show my bald head and several people came up to me and told me about their experience when their hair grew back. Some had curly hair or it grew in a different color. I'm not sure what to expect. Since I have new DNA I'm not sure if my hair will grow in like my donor's. Right now I have some fuzz growing, but it's still to early to tell what color it will be. I am excited it's growing back, but I'm not looking forward to having to wash and dry my hair everyday.
Here are some pictures from the Relay

7 random things about me... tagged by Camille
1. I never spent a night in a hospital until October 19, 2005. That's the day my life changed.
2. I was born with a lazy ear. Kids use to tease me about it and one boy told me I should sleep with silly putty in my ear and that would fix it.
3. On the first day of kindergarten I walked into the room and said "What the hell are you doing in here." That was my first and last time in the principals office.
4. I still hate needles.
5. I love to hear the jets fly over my house.
6. I do the People crossword puzzles every week. It's the only crossword puzzle that make me feel smart.
7. I read the large print edition of Readers Digest. I hate looking at magazines that you have to use a magnifying glass just to read the words on the page.
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